stupid day.
Love me? Thankyou.
Hate me? Fuckyou.
don't know why i getting pissed off by taking MRT train nowadays.
i don't know what the fuck is they looking at?
why? didn't ever see a women before?
some werido is soooo damn disgusted.
she dick her shit ear like nobody business.
&&& you know what. the most disgusting part is
the shit stack inside her nails and she dick it out and throw the shit on the floor. *roller eyes.*
i don't think she's a singaporean. she's from china.
where her china face can see though.
please lah, go back to your contry lah. don't come here to dirty our place.
most fucking pissed off is.
a stupid call from this china lady.
asking for my phone is what brand? and did i have any problem using the phone?
actually i know she was a faker. where i heard that some china lady will come and cheat your money.
okays, since you called. LET PLAY~
then i told her that i cant speak in chinese, can u speak in english?
where actually i know she cant speak in english.
then she told me her english not so good.
okay. then i contiune communicate in english
then this fucker,
fuckoff lah!
if next time i get have this stupid calls again, i'll scold them in vulgarity.
shame of you.
even though i'm a chinese i still hate china people.
please, get off from singapore.
actually i don't understand.
why do singaporean loves china "chicken" so much?
they are so fucking ugly.
werido hair style & dressing.
if i'm a man, i rather choose a thai "man"
than a china girl.
don't ask me why?
cas' i just HATE china people.
please fuckoff.
sorry, for my some violent words.
hehehe.. xD
this is my real person.
so, dont ever let me hate a person.
cas' i don't even know what am i doing & talking.
meeted mink and yanjing.
didnt brough any stuff.
slacked around.
then wented home.
my project?
sigh~ i am so lazy to touch.
can i have a magic pencil?
금요일, 2월 29, 2008 @ 10:11 오후
sigh~i am so sad & sorry.
): ): ):
please take a look if ya names is up here.
1. aileen
2. wanfen
3. amy
4. mink
5. wz
6. yj
7. JT
8. kexin
9. pukar
result| by LIMEI.
1. Have number 1 disturb u?
hahas. yep(:
2. Have number 1 study together with u?
YES(: for quite many years ler.
3. Who is number 1?
aileen lor. my 6years de friend/classmate ler!
4. Have u n him ever say "i need u?"??
hahaha~ which him? number what?
5. Number 1 cutie? So,how about number
number 2? babe? haha!
6. Has number 4 give u chocolate?
hmmm... cant remember. yes? no?
7. Has number 7 ever give u a
HAHAAHA.. nope.~ xD
8. So? Do u have give her/him or not?
who? number 7? HAHAHHAA~ yes, i gave him chocolate's and present. =P
9. What he said?
dun tell you lei.. nei ni nei ni pu pu. (:
10. number 4 a cute gal?
11. Where's number 6 now?
home? maybe.
12. Number 8 ever being ur gf?
YES, girl-friend(:
13. Number 9 ever walk with u??
yes, gg shopping(:
14. If number 2 in front of u?
i'll beat her up! hahaha~ relax lah, wanfen~! =P
15. If number 3 near u?
i'll ask her to go away. =PpPpP AMY SEE THAT?! jkjk.
16. Has number 7 walk with u?
hahas..walk? like what? lols. i dun understand nie.
17. Has number 9 kiss u?
18. Has number 1 kiss u?
LOLs. number 1, she's a girl!
19. Who is ever go breakfast,dinner,n
lunch with u,,???
1,2,3,4,5,6,8 and 9. LOLs.. almost everyone.
20. What is ur favorite one?
21. Has number 2 kiss u?
LOLs.. SHE'S A GIRL WHERE SHE HAD A BOYFRIEND! anyways i'm straight!
22. Who is the naughty one?
23. The beauty one?
1,2,3,4,5,6 and 8
24. The talk active one?
25. The cutie one?
26. And the precious one?
목요일, 2월 28, 2008 @ 9:24 오후
in the sch lab now.
well, changed my blogskin ytd.
anyways sorry for letting my tagbox cloased but i've used a blog where you can leave comments!
i am so bored lahs.
sat's & sun's i don't know what am i goona do.
other than work.
but now i'm jobless ler.
slack like hell at home?
or slack outside the street?
i gonna find a job real soon(:
i NEED moneymoneymoney.
limei is so money face~
no lahs, cas' through some money problem, i think i shall spend my money and not my parents money.
my project i started liao.
i am so happy that korean movie helped alot.
(: (: (:
the website is so slow now.
okays, shall sign off ler.
loading very very slowing!
수요일, 2월 27, 2008 @ 12:03 오후

happy that ENERGY IS COMING!
(: (: (: (: (:
Thank you.
화요일, 2월 26, 2008 @ 10:27 오후
i'm here(:
WZ,YJ and minkwe played true or dare.
well, we had said our first impression with each other.
so far, ofcas' had good & bad.
actually i was thinking.
i really need to change abit.
where i heard WZ & YJ says somethings which is really right.
which i really dunhv my own decision.
cas' even my old friends told me that before.
actually i dunno how to make a decision, seriously.
cas' i scared. scared my decision may be failed or wrost will make people dislike me.
and i think i am trying to hind problems.
well, i repied all the message that THEY sended today.
no more refused. where i really tired of this topic keep countiune.
and seriously just let times to explain everything.
i am really tired. the way some ridiculous person make me really sick. stop apologize please.
okay, shall end the nonsense here.
well, anyway thank you WZ,MINK and YJ the suggestion of each other. if not i still dunno what am i doing.
shall meet up soon alright?
i'm so sad because i dunno of what!
what can i do, can people please teach me?
if you really want for help, please do so.(:
월요일, 2월 25, 2008 @ 6:34 오후
Forty (40) Secrets About Yourself.Be honest no matter what.
[One] Who was your last text from?
-hmmm.. pasty.
[Two] Where was your default picture
- home.
[Three] What's your middle name?
- li
[Four] Your current relationship
- single and available.
[Five] Does your crush(es) like you
- muahahaha~ i don't know. cas' i didnt tell dem tat i love them
[Six] What is your current mood?
- dunno.
[Seven] What's your dads name?
- nickname can? ahseng~ haha(:
[Eight] What color shirt are you
- marron
[Nine] What was the last thing you
- plain water.
[Ten] If you could go back in time and
change something, would you?
- YES!
[Eleven] Last concert you went to?
- hmm.. energy de bahs.
[Twelve] Ever had a near death
- nope.
[Thirteen] Something you do a lot?
- muahahaha~ too many
[Fourteen] Angry at anyone?
- currently nope.
[Fifteen] Do you wanna see somebody
right now?
- yes.
[Sixteen] Name someone with the same
birthday as you?
- hmmm.. quite alot i found.
[Seventeen] When was the last time you
- hmmm.. forget ler.
[Eighteen] Who would you do anything
- someone i love.
[Nineteen] Who is your idol?
[Twenty] What's the first thing you
notice about the opposite sex?
- hmm... his eyes.
[Twenty-one] What do you usually order
from starbucks?
- hahahaha~ can i see the menu?
[Twenty-three] Where is your ex?
- not sure. working?
[Twenty-four] Favorite christmas movie?
- nope.
[Twenty-five] Do you still watch kiddy
movies or tv shows?
- yes. why not?
[Twenty-six] What are you eating or
drinking at the moment?
- nothing.
[Twenty-seven] Say something nice about
the person who posted this before you.
1. yuncho fans.
2. love dbsk.
3. dbsk fans!
LOLs.. thats lame enough.
[Twenty-eight] Whats your favorite
- sweet.
[Twenty-nine] Describe your life in
one word
- colourful.
[Thirty] Have you ever kissed in the
- hope i will one day~!
[Thirty-one] Do You Like The Rain?
- YES~
[Thirty-two] What are you thinking
about right now?
- nth.
[Thirty-three] What should you be
- nth.
[Thirty-four] What's your biggest fear?
- animal where eat people up.
[Thirty-five] If you could have any job
what would it be?
- a boss.
[Thirty-six] Which of your friends
treats you the best?
- everything(:
[Thirty-seven] Which of your friends do
you wish treated you better?
- hmmm.. everyone. xD
[Thirty-nine] What is your natural hair
- black-brown
[Forty] Who was the last person to make
you smile?
- hmmm... dunno lei. i smile at everythings. hahah~
토요일, 2월 23, 2008 @ 8:58 오후
sorry, blame it on me.
Sorry, Blame It On Me lyricsAs life goes on I’m starting to learn more and more about responsibility
I realize everything I do is affecting the people around me
So I want to take this time out to apologize for things I have done
And things that have not occurred yet
And the things they don’t want to take responsibility for
I’m sorry for the times I left you home
I was on the road and you were alone
I’m sorry for the times that I had to go
I’m sorry for the fact that I did not know
That you were sitting home just wishing we
Could go back to when it was just you and me
I’m sorry for the times I would neglect
I’m sorry for the times I disrespect
I’m sorry for the wrong things that I’ve done
I’m sorry I’m not always there for my son
I’m sorry for the fact that I'm not aware
That you can’t sleep at night when I am not there
Because I am in the streets like everyday
Sorry for the things that I did not say
Like how you are the best thing in my world
And how I'm so proud to call you my girl
I understand that there are some problems
And I am not too blind to know
All the pain you kept inside you
Even though you might not show
If I can apologize for being wrong
Then it’s just a shame on me
I’ll be the reason for your pain and you can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me [4x]
Said you can put the blame on me [3x]
You can put the blame on me
Sorry for the things that he put you through
And all the times you didn’t know what to do
Sorry that you had to go and sell those packs
Just trying to stay busy till you heard from Dad
And you would rather be home with all your kids
As one big family with love and bliss
And even though Pops treated us like kings
He got a second wife and you didn’t agree
He got up and left you there all alone
I’m sorry that you had to do it on your own
I’m sorry that I went and added to your grief
I’m sorry that your son was once a thief
I’m sorry that I grew up way too fast
I wish I would’ve listened and not be so bad
I’m sorry your life turned out this way
I’m sorry that the FEDS came and took me away
I’m sorry that it took so long to see
They were dead wrong trying to put it on me
I’m sorry that it took so long to speak
But I was on tour with Gwen Stefani
I’m sorry for the hand that she was dealt
For the embarrassment that she felt
Just a little young girl trying to have fun
Her daddy should never let her out that young
I’m sorry for Club Zen getting shut down
I hope they manage better next time around
How was I to know she was underage
In a 21 and older club they say
Why doesn’t anybody wanna take blame
Verizon backed out disgracing my name
I’m just a singer trying to entertain
Because I love my fans I’ll take that blame
Even though the blame’s on you [3x]
I’ll take that blame from you
And you can put that blame on me [2x]
You can put that blame on me
And you can put that blame on me
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

meanwhile DBSK ROCKS MY LIFE!(:
weekends is the week where i'm waiting everyweek.
muahahaha~ cas' i can sleep like nobody business.
i really hate window vista works.
someone is really irritating.
i had enough of everything.
i gave up means gave up.
i wont change my words.
cas' someone let me saw some person's ture colour.
no need to explain too much lahs.
my heart can tells me everything.
nothing is more true than my heart.
and so
talk until so " wu say"
limei ah limei~
금요일, 2월 22, 2008 @ 10:40 오후
my recently mood not really good.
get pissed off easily.
i getting violent and even more violent!
oh no~ what's up with me nowadays?
i am so bored.
window vista really suck.
maybe i'm used to it with window xp.
sigh~ limei please update lei..
entertain me please.
well, school was fine(:
project i still havent touched anything.
assignment done(:
i am so happy with that.
today mary-have-a-little-land,
she's crazy!!!
luckly her classes only 1week once.
i am still so bored.
목요일, 2월 21, 2008 @ 9:16 오후
BASICSfull name: limlimei
bithday: 26/11
birthplace: singapore~
current location: cck.
eye colour: black-brown.
hair colour: nlack-brown
right or left handed: right handed.
siblings: 2. elder sis and younger sis.
pets: nope.
colour your hair: i do colour my hair. but currently my hair are too weak.
twirl ur hair: hahaha~ yes.
have tattoos: nope.
have piercings: yupps.
like rollar coaer rides: YES!
like cleaning: not really.
write in print or cursive: hmmm.. depends.
own a laptop: nope. but computer.
want to get married: yes, do you wanna marry me? yes, i do. =P
believe in yourself: OF CAUSE!
get along wid ur parents: hmmm.. sadly, not really.
swear : haha~
smoke: nope. i dun take smoke nor drugs.
drink: yes. =P
shower daily: yes. ofcas/
cheat on test n homework: hahahhaa~ i always do that since primary school.
have an obsession: alot.
have a best fren : .
like ur handwriting: nope. VERY UGLY!
lied to someone: yah.
been used: yah. damn to the person!
used someone: hmmm.. yes? no? i dunno.
been in love: yup....
kicked someone in the nuts: hahaha~ nope bah. i'm not that violent.
held a gun: yes
been dumped: yer
skipped class: YES. mostly doing it 3times a week. =X
skipped school: yea.
mood: not really good.
colour: green, orange, black, white and those creamly colours
number: hmm. dun have
drink: LOTS.
flower: rose!
place to be : anywhere than singapore!
fav. hair colour: anything tat suits
short or long hair: anything that suit their face!
smoked: nope. i dun smoke
been on drugs: no!!
been asked out: asked out like? a one night stand? hahaha~
gone on a date: yup
gone to the mall : LOLs.. ofcas~
eaten sushi: yes! i love them LOTS!
been on stage: yup. but long time ago ler.
eaten a box of oreos: nope.
been dumped: yes.
day dreamer : yup.
angel: no.. i`m human. but hopefully i am if i dead.
talkativE: YEA~!
1. Who was your FIRST real date?
- a guy! LOLs..
2.Do you still talk to your FIRST
- yes.
3. What was your FIRST alcoholic
- haha.. when i was young.
4. What was your FIRST job?
- waiters. but only one day nia.
5. What was your FIRST cellphone?
- cant remember.
6. Who was the FIRST person to text
you today?
- wanfen.
7. Who is the FIRST person you
thought of this morning?
- nobody.
9. Where did you go on your FIRST
ride on an motorcycle?
- my dad.
10. Sneaking out of your house the
FIRST time who was it with?
- my friends.
11. Who was your FIRST best friend
and are you still friends with them?
- michelle
12. Where was your first sleepover?
- cant remember
13. Who was the FIRST person you
talked to today?
- my mum.
15. What was the FIRST thing you did
this morning?
- cant remember.
16. What was the FIRST concert you
ever went to?
- energy.
17. FIRST tattoo or piercing?
- piercing was when i am young. tattoo, nope.
18. Foreign country you want to go?
- KOREA, taiwan, japan and ALOT!
20. When was your FIRST detention?
- cant remember
21. What was the FIRST place you
lived in?
- singapore.
22. Who was the FIRST person to
really break your heart?
- some person.
23. Who was your FIRST roommate?
- medeline. when we wented to malaysia.
okays. enough of the questions.
hmmm.. i'm jobless now.
so, people please help to see if you have any lobangs!
i wanna sleep~ and my tmr lesson starts quite early.
where i cant let my beauty sleep. ):
i have a classmate who is a ear-picker.
hey you, please get lost from us.
girls talk, boys please get off.
its none of your bloodly business.
what the hack you care, if we are talking out loud.
수요일, 2월 20, 2008 @ 8:04 오후
i am really tired.
having alots of project on my hand mood to do.
my mood is so bad today.
i'm sorry.
i am tiring of this life.
everything is meaningless.
poeple are so selfish.
life is just a bullshit.
fake smile. fake life. and a faker.
i am not happy at all.
my some friends, my parents and my job
this 17 years i am wasting my time.
a meaningless futher and everything.
i had no ideal where i really wanna go after ITE.
i dun feel like working.
i have no where to go.
no studies, no job, no money, no life.
and it seem like i gonna jobless soon.
i'm tired.
please stop playing games with me.
월요일, 2월 18, 2008 @ 11:06 오후
fuckoff lahs~
its seem like the god is making me knowing how their ture colour.thanks god! (:
i finally saw their ture colour now.
i think i was blind in the first place by knowing them as a friends.
okays~ i leave.
no more any groups name.
(: i should be more happy by then.
not a bigfcuk lahs!
today working was fine.
p/s: i'm tiring of this nonsense.
일요일, 2월 17, 2008 @ 10:49 오후
muahahahhaha~i am so happy right now.
just now a customer said i'm look like a korean.
oh well, abit 爽到 you know.
i really i can be a korean. perhaps in futher i can moved to korea.
u know, how i wish i can be a korean.
goona sleep ler.
토요일, 2월 16, 2008 @ 10:50 오후
big fuck arhs?
weizhen & mink gift. (:
thanks alot gals~
meeted Amy at bb.
she wanna go bank and update her bank book.
mauahahaha~ unlucky that the machine spoiled.
how sad?
then meeted weizhen & mink at bugis.
thanks again for the gift yea!
appreciated &
take care! (:
had a super bad bad bad bad bad dream last night. FUCK!
hope that the stupid dream will NEVER come ture.
if yes(touch wood), i'll give her a BIG TIGH SLAP ON HER BLOODY FACE!
and showing her this 凸-.-
i am pissed off right now.
if i wrote something that very vuglar please kindly excuse.
actually, i really dun need to give a damn lahs.
i wont be respecting you and wont felt appricate on anything you done.
even though no matter how much/many tears drop
simply fuckoff & goodbye.
p/s: i felt so sorry for him.
& thank you for your understanding and caring.
금요일, 2월 15, 2008 @ 3:53 오후
do hear : have you ever by S CLUB 7.this is just staring. i don't wish to say much or think much.
let times explain everything.
yes, wish u were here.
ytd one kid shouting over.
and my mind was full of your memorise again.
your happiness, your sadness and your everything.
i know everyone missed him so much. inculded me also.
people really come and gones.
i think i am getting used to it everything or perhaps anything.
now, i really do appreciate things suaround me.
cas' i don't wish to regret anything from now onward.
and i respect people from who you are.
but i hope people respect me too.
for those who i no need to give a damn,
please don't ever expect for me to going back.
cas' i wont let my heart hurts again.
why? because you make me disrespect you and making me unapprciated.
now, my blog is in privay.
mauahaha~ so i can write whatever shit i want here.
happy valentine day, people!
목요일, 2월 14, 2008 @ 10:01 오전
awww~ i'm back(:

micky is so CUTE(:
awwww~ yunho.(:

tell me how can i don't crazy about them?
playing with my aunty speac. =x
my elder sis. =x


tell me how can i don't crazy about them?

fun arh?

i think she'll scold me by puting her pic here.
but u know what?
chinese new year eve. 6feb.
my uncle, aunty, cousin and sis bf came over.
and of cas my both parents, me, my both sister.
we had our BBQ steamboat.
the food was awesome!
well, this is our first year to have bbq steamboat.
feel so great~
and the few days before chinese new year eve.
me and my sis was busy over the bbq meat stuffs.
enjoyed the day.
Anyways thanks for people for their new year blesses.
loves ya guys.(;
7feb. first day of CNY.
early in the morni we woke up.
changed and standed always go to my grandma house first.
then my yi po house.
then my uncle house.
then last my another uncle.
every year the same.
well, was enjoyed too.
wented to my anuty house.
the whole day.
well, pretty enjoyed too.
spend the whole day eating.
=x hahahah...
dinner at yeeshan's house.
well, bbq steamboat again..
awwww~ (:
nth much.
resting at home.
very tired.
somehow missing school days.
dunno why also.
had been quite awhile haven go sch ler
class cancel. i think had been 1 week plus ler bah...
tmr school day~
수요일, 2월 06, 2008 @ 2:37 오후
feeling good(:
4 feb
meet mink after her work.
then walked to hereen to meet weizhen.
after that wented to bugis.
had fun & enjoyed.
well, cya girls soon(:
5 feb
the whole is helping my mum for home stuff.
nth much actually
and today
still helping my mum with home stuffs.
pretty bored lahs.
To all,
Happy new year.(:
smile & take goody care.

월요일, 2월 04, 2008 @ 2:16 오후
i am sooo happy.
great news
is that the coming week which also the chinese new year week
i need to help out for housework this holidays.
you know what?
sometimes i really love & hate chinese new year.
love is because
i can buy new clothes.
i can get manymanymany ang baos.
&&& i really love the way where we sit together for dinner on chinese new year eve.
it like we only did it ONCES a year!
HATE is because
hate to do housework.
so tiring can!!!
bad news
somethings keep on mixed up my mind.
my dad he told me to sign up for nevi.
i was like
then he told me all those kind of futher stuff if i joined.
but how can u ask me to sign on a thingy where i don't really keen in.
i know, if i joined i'll have lots of money when i grown up.
so dad & mum wont be worried about me.
its seem like they really wants me to join.
but really dunhv even 0.1 percent of keen.
wahh~ i feel like crying.
slag lahs~
i know i wont be a sale girl the rest of my life.
for futher i dont even dare to think that much but i just wanted to have a simple life
sigh~ everything gones with money money money.
how i wish the world everything is FREE~
i really feel like slapping those who are rich and look down at poor people.
high educated look down on low educated people.
if noe day i saw this, i will show a damn middle finger to them.
is like so what?
they also a human-beings ok!
the world is full of unfair.
is getting late.
shall blog a fast want.
cas' gg to city hall to collect my pay with amy.
i gg to rebond later(:
well, still kinda keep on running to the toliet.
siao liao, i dunno how i gonna stand the few hours for rebonding.
shall see.
shall really go now.