bored again!
2.) DOB: november 26th
3.) Nicknames: ah mei
4.) Bad habits: i need sleep with my lovely pillow then i can fall sleep.
5.) Religion: buddhism
6.) Fav. Quote: ?
7.) Bloodtype: B
8.) Height/Weight/Shoe Size: 172 cm, - kg, 40.
9.) Family: Dad, Mom, elder sis, younger sis and me
10.) School: AMK ITE.
11.) Hobbies: dancing, listten to music ...
12.) Specialties: hmmm?
13.) Sleeping Habits: sleep where my body face down.
14.) Something good about myself: nth.
15.) What I think of myself: nth.
16.) Fav. number: 0
17.) Fav. Season: winter
18.) Fav. Food: Almost everything.
19.) Least Fav. Food: tao pok ....
20.) Fav. Singers/Celebs: too many
21.) Fav. Sport: Everything
22.) Fav. Flower: rose
23.) Fav. Colors: black, white, green, onrage ....
24.) Thing I do to pass time: stuf the net
25.) Places I go most often (excluding home): school
26.) Most confident thing I can cook: cup noodles
27.) Songs I like these days: too many
28.) What do you prefer: coffee, milk, soda: milk bah.
29.) Most important being in my life: happy
30.) Person I like least: hmmm?
31.) Kinds of people I detest: 2 face people
32.) Something I'm worried about : nth
33.) What I think I was in my past life: a prinness?!
34.) If I could be reborn: a boy.
35.) When I want to get married: when i get ready
36.) What I do when I'm mad: scold vulgarity.
37.) Places I want to fix on my face: hmm... only face? body can?
38.) My dream/goal: travelling around
39.) Dream Salary: 100000000000000000000000000000000000x100 bucks.
40.) My least liked feature: hmmm?
41.) Something that happens everyday: nth
42.) I like/love someone right now: Nope!!!
43.) Jinxes: None.
44.) Something I could go back and do: dancing.
45.) What I most regret in my life: stop dancing.
46.) If I left a will before I die: hugs everyone.
47.) Prized Posesstion: my family
48.) What I want to say to people full of themselves with
Prince/Princess Syndrome: i slap you then you kown
49.) My ideal mate: hmm.. someone whos listten to my thoughts
50.) -
51.)What do you think of ladies who try and find seats when there are none in Sibways or Buses: hahahah.....
52.) Do you ever want to beat a small kid: when they are irritanting.
53.) What kind of kids scare you: bad kids.
54.) If you were to dye your hair, what color would you die it:
brown? dunno.
55.) Most memorable Movie: step up2
56.) Most memorable day during MS: MS???
57.) If you were to be in a drama what kind of character would you
want to play: hmmm.. a funny character
58.) When do you most not like your friend: 2 face
59.) What do you think of guys who wear makeup: normal.
60.) Makeup vs. No makeup on women: both.
61.) favortie book (comics can be included): none
62.) What can you make with green onions and eggs: ramen
63.) Country I want to visit most: anywhere
64.) If I could get any domestic animal: Dog
65.) Favorite song to sing at karaoke: none
66.) Things I stress over most: problems.
67.) Someone I want to meet the most in the world: dbsk
68.) What would you do if you found 1000 dollars in the street: treat everyone dinner.
69.) Something different about it being 2001: i was 11 years old.
70.) Do you believe in ghosts: ok lor
71.) -
72.) Do you think there's a time in your life when you can be happy
anywhere and anytime: YES!
73.) Do you sleep over at people's house a lot: Not really.
74.) Something I need right now: a friend.
76.) What game am I best at: i don't play games
77.) What would you say to someone who's about to die: hugs that person.
78.) When did you ever feel like cursing yourself?: when i am mad
79.) What do you do when you can't fall asleep: listten to music
80.) What would you do if you were walking and you farted when it was a quiet: dunno
82.) Good/bad thing about our country: stuffs are too expensive.
83.) Foreign language I want to learn: korea & Japenese.
84.) My complex: nth.
85.) What is there you want to do: nth!
86.) Do you find anything wrong with your face or personailty: Nope!
87.) What I do when I'm stressed: beat you! xD
88.) Have you ever wanted to commit suicide: yes.
89.) What kind of teacher do you hate: hmmm.. unreasonable teacher
90.) Who's a person who gave you the most hope etc: my parents.
91.) What would you do if someone grabbed your things and started
running: chase them.
92.) What would you do if you saw a pervert on the street: show them my middle finger.
93.) What I think of losers/outcasts: dunno.
94.) -
95.) Are you willing to live your life to the fullest: YES!!
96.) Rain, Snow, Sunshine, Cloudy, Windy which do you prefer:
97.) Have you ever been attracted to someone you've chatted to
online: No.
98.) What you want to say to your friends: hello(: takecare!
99.) Future plans: Living life to the fullest.
100.) You've finished! How do you feel: not bad~
수요일, 3월 26, 2008 @ 2:00 오후
im just bored!
★ 12:48 PM
Your full name:
★ lim li mei(:
What song are you listening to:
★ dbsk<3 - begin
Where are you studying now?
★ Amk ITE
What is the last thing you ate?
★ eggs!
How's today weather?
★ as hot as normal.
Do you wear contact lens?
★ nope.
What pet have you reared before?
★ fishes.
★ Sagittarius.
Siblings and their age:
★ elder sister(22years old) and younger sister(16years old).
Eye colour:
★ black.
Ear piercings:
★ last time use to be 4, but now 2.
★ nope.
Do you like your current life?
★ hmmm.. ok bah.
★ singapore.
Which part do you stay:
★ west side.
Drank before?
★ yea.
Do you think that you are flirt?
★ depends on who! xp
Have an car accident before?
★ nope.
Secretly admired someone before?
★ yupps.
Don't dare to confess:
★ yea.
What do you like to eat:
★ almost all
What do you like to drink:
★ almost all
Favourite colour:
★ black , white , green and onrage
Favourite number?
★ 0.
Which movie genre do you like?
★ horror , comedy and roman.
Favourite cartoon char:
★ hmmm.. dunno.
Most Memorable day:
★ 26th november 1990
Most sad day:
★ 29th june 2006
Most Happy happening?
★ young time. when i was overseas.
Favourite Flower:
★ rose
People that you are afraid to meet:
★ ghost?
Favourite sports:
★ i like all sports
Favourite Ice cream:
★ chocolate chip
What are you scared of:
★ when i cant do anything at all
Favourite TV Chs:
★ entertainment chn
If there's reincarnation, wad do you wan to be:
★ a harmless ghost.
What do you hate to do:
★ housework.
What do you hate about others' doings:
★ 2faces
Anything you are best at doing:
★ shopping, listten to music, watching videos, dancing ....
Last time you went to hospital:
★ last year dec
What job you wish to work in the future:
★ designer or pyD
10 yrs later, where will be you be:
★ hahahhah~ travlling around the world.
What will you do when you're bored:
★ watch videos
Whats the most problematic thing in this world:
★ hmmm.. none bah.
The best thing:
★ travelling overseas!
Any bf/gf now?:
★ nopes.
In doing things that you are not confident?:
★ alot
If anyone misunderstood you, you will?:
★ fight back!
If anyone misunderstood you, and dun listen to you:
★ then that is out of my businees ler.
Have you thought of dealing with ur enemies:
★ no. why deal? past means past ler.
Do you think that it's a must for ur partner to pay for u:
★ nopes.
Who do you miss alot:
★ ishilau
What age you want to get married:
★ dunno.
In ur heart, arrange things in priority:
★ family. friends. health. travelling.
Hows your mood today:
★ not bad.
Have you thought of committing suicide:
★ yeahh.
Whats the time now:1:20pm
so bored bored bored bored !
Yes, guess what?

guess what?
showing u something

To the damn freaking person.
p/s: limei is so childish! (:

Now, having my 3 weeks holiday~
sigh~ quite bored actually
last friday went back working for replacement
standing the whole day like SIAO~
great to know this promoter aunty Lily
she was nice(:
she treated me drink.
she tell me to go for half an hour break cas of total i have 2 hours break, so it means from 9.45am to 9.45pm, i gones for 4 breaks totally. xD
keep going break like nobody business~ (who's care actually?!)
some people is getting me to hate her MORE~
ONE LAST CRY (Brian Mcknight)
micky(TOHOSHINKI) sang this song 2nd Asia Tour Concert "O"
My shattered dreams and broken heart
Are mending on the shelf
I saw you holding hands, standing close to someone else
Now I sit all alone wishing all my feeling was gone
I gave my best to you, nothing for me to do
But have one last cry
One last cry, before I leave it all behind
I've gotta put you outta my mind this time
Stop living a lie
I guess I'm down to my last cry
I was here, you were there
Guess we never could agree
While the sun shines on you
I need some love to rain on me
Still I sit all alone, wishing all my feeling was gone
Gotta get over you, nothing for me to do
But have one last cry
Repeat Chorus
I know I gotta be strong
Cause round me life goes on and on and on
And on.....
I'm gonna dry my eyes
Right after I had my
One last cry
Repeat Chorus
I guess I'm down
I guess I'm down
I guess I'm down...
To my last cry...
일요일, 3월 23, 2008 @ 11:18 오전
pissed off.
토요일, 3월 22, 2008 @ 4:16 오후
I had finished my project already
Today, School was fun
fliming happily!(:
and its like really u play your role for (actress/acter/cameraman or women .etc)
hahaha~ 1,2,3 ACTION!
and feel like cold of the air-con! LOLs...

so bored.
okays, shall end here ler.
화요일, 3월 18, 2008 @ 10:42 오후

i wanna dance dance dance and DANCE~
일요일, 3월 16, 2008 @ 5:58 오후
chiong chiong chiong
금요일, 3월 14, 2008 @ 7:24 오후
목요일, 3월 13, 2008 @ 7:45 오후
get your ass out da me
and lets see who's the one!
today, as normal.
attented morning lesson & bra lesson.
afternoon lesson was cancelled.
went to yew tee mac do our thumnail.
hahahahaha~ end up we gave up!
SLACKING~~~~~~~ LOLS~ (:

i find this pic very funny~
(: guess who's finger is that?
ANS: Mink
월요일, 3월 10, 2008 @ 6:45 오후

토요일, 3월 08, 2008 @ 11:21 오후
sharing some photos.

금요일, 3월 07, 2008 @ 8:03 오후
Me and my cousin having a small stall selling stuffs
Time: 12am to 7pm.
Date: 8 March 2008 ( This coming sat. )
Do come and support!
Cya! Cheers~
목요일, 3월 06, 2008 @ 9:27 오후

There are so many faker surrounded &
So many people who only thinks about themselves
Tell me, whats the reason for living?

Not as easy as you might think.
1. Where is your cell phone?
- table.
2. where's your boyfriend/girlfriend?
- home.
3. Your hair?
- straight.
4. Your mother?
- home.
5. Your father?
- home.
6. Your favorite thing?
- alot.
7. Your dream last night?
- forgot.
8. Your favorite drink?
- alot
9. Your dream car?
- havent decide yet.
10. Say something about life?
- is for experience
11. Your ex?
- ?
12. Your fear?
13. Where do you want to be 10 yrs
from now?
- other place than s'pore
14. Who was with you last night?
- my family
15. You're not good at what?
- alot
16. Muffins?
- butter
17. When you DIE, u'd rather be
- buried
18. Where you grew up?
- singapore
19. Last place you've been to?
- school
20. What are you wearing?
- t-shirt
21. your crush?
- him! xD
22. Your pet/s?
- nope
23. kapamilya or kapuso?
- HUH>?
24. your fave gadget?
- none
25. Your mood?
- not good.
26. Missing someone?
- yepp
27. What are you thinking about right
- nth
28. Your car?
- none
29. Your work?
- jobless
30. Your summer?
- cold(:
31. Your status?
- single & available.
32. Your favorite color?
- lots
33. When was the last time you laughed?
- today
34. Last time you cried?
- last week
35. School?
- boring.

hahahahaha~ i dream of them last night!
its like so shy~
make me go so high when i shaked yunho's oppa & yuchun's oppa hands.
unexpected lahh.
how i wish they would come to s'pore!
I AM SO FUCKEDUP some of my classmate
ytd was one. today is another one
relax relax relax.
nowadays temper is really sucky
dunno what happen also
weather is damn so cold because of raining.
and our lab temperature is 18 degree.
shiok arrrrhhhhh!!!
started to missed alr. ):
수요일, 3월 05, 2008 @ 6:09 오후
화요일, 3월 04, 2008 @ 9:38 오후
1. Do you know someone named Amanda?
= yea. my friend cousin.
2. Do you know anyone named Chris?
= nope.
3. Ever kissed anyone with a name
starting with R?
= no
4. Do you have any siblings?
= 2
5. Do you look alike?
= limei. =P
6. What color are the walls in your
= light blue
8. Are you named after a grandparent?
= dunno lei. dun think so bahs
9. Are you a heavy sleeper?
= okok lor.
10. Who did you last hug?
= pukar.
11. Are you taller than 5'3''?
= 5'3'' is how tall?
12. Eaten a bug before?
= eeee... no, i dare you lahs~ (:
13. Ever see a dead body other than at
a funeral?
= nope.
14. Who did you last kissed?
= i forget ler nie.
16. Who was the last person to send you
a text message?
= liyan.
17. Who was the last person you went
out with?
= mink
18. Do you like to read?
= only maz =P
19. Are you jealous?
= depends.
20. What made you smile today?
= hahaha~ i smile on anything.
21. What are you doing today?
= study & meetups.
22. What did you do yesterday?
= online, slack, watch TV, do lil project and ....
23. What's the first thing you would do
with a million dollars?
= throw away! LOLs. jk. get anything whatever i want/ buy present for whoever i know! hahahahaah~ & donate.
25. How many hours did you sleep for
last night?
= 8(:
26. Who was the last person you had a
sleep over with?
= madeline? i forgot ler.
27. Who's the last person that creeped
you out?
= hmmm...
28. Do you like your school?
= okok lor.
29. What jewelery are you wearing?
= ring & earring
30. Anything fun happen today?
= hmmm.. nth much actually.
31. Anything bad happen today?
= no
33. Are you mad at anyone?
= no..
34. What's the last thing you bought?
= nail polish!
35. Have you cried today?
= no
36. Do you think that someone is
thinking about you right now?
= LOLs.. how i know? you?
37. Do you have shoes on?
= none
38. Whats the closest thing to you
that is pink?
= the rose. where wz gave!
39. Do you get annoyed easily?
= depends. mayb bah?
40. Do you like someone?
= yes
41. Do you like to draw?
= yea.
42. Are you good at saving money?
= not at all.
43. What should you be doing right now?
= nth.
44. Do you have a tattoo?
= none
45. Do you still watch cartoons on
Saturday mornings?
= seldom
46. Is there a secret you've never told
your bestfriends?
= hmmm.. dunhv bahs!
47. Have you ever told someone you
hated them?
= nope. cas' i love everyone!
48. Have you ever changed your clothes
in the car?
= nope.
49. What are you doing in 2010?
= working?
50. What is your ringtone?
= lips gloss - lil mama
월요일, 3월 03, 2008 @ 9:14 오후
Didn't come here to breakdown
It's just a dream of mine is coming to an end
I'm sorry that i didnt make the promise i said