
Drink a cup of coffee and chill .
2010 is coming..
its seems like really fast right ?!
i cant believe myself too.. and, i cant believe i've been working for that long !
i always thought i might give up someday, somehow.
but i didnt ! i am glad to myself. ^^
don't ask me why am i feeling that way~
somehow when i started working and also started to learn knowledge...
make money is really hard. TT
probably this is my last post for this year.
HAHAAHA~ bcas' its only 2 more days to 2010 !
let me wish you guys in advance !! ^^
HAPPY 2010 ~~~~
i've 3 wishes.
1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !!!! (:
2. i wish to earn more money to save/spend/to my parents and ofcas' to travelling !
3. i want eunhyuk to be my boyfriend ! hahahahaahaha^^
hahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha~~~ *fangirl-ing*
p/s: slap me please !
화요일, 12월 29, 2009 @ 10:16 오전

Aint this cat cute ???? i want a pet toooo.
Tmr working in Ajuma's shop.
and, i'm so annoyed to death the whole afternoon because i need to look at my s'pore boss face the whole evening tmr. TTTTTT
BUT..... thank you ajuma ! she told my s'pore boss no need to come tmr cas' ajuma is not around !
working w/ Goh tmr.
sohappy! ^^
My hair is sooooo %!$@#!^ nowadays! TT
i wanna change my hair style.
My hair is sooooo %!$@#!^ nowadays! TT
i wanna change my hair style.
수요일, 12월 09, 2009 @ 12:12 오전

Things don't go on my way lately.
why do i get so pissed easily recently. ㅠㅠ
everything are fine just that got this 3 person make things hard for me !
i shall not named them. but, i'll tell you what happened.
start with the person *A*
i don't like people who are irresponsible.
*A* took my stuffs without any of my permission. instead of saying the true *A* blamed someone else.
person *B*
i don't know how to comment about *B*
actually, my first impression to *B* is BAD. i didnt liked *B* before.
i really don't liked to act two sided of me when i saw *B*.
*B* keep asking me to give more benefit~~~
you didnt have any benefit is your own problem and you've so many other opportunity from others why would you wanna come to me ?
i don't get it at all ! anyway, your impression wasn't good. why would a person give you something nice/good when people didnt liked you at all ?
think twice, *B* just wanna make use of me thats it.
And you must know this word
"everybody are selfish."
person *C*
appreicated? sigh, i don't wanna talk much already.
Respect others before people respect you!
person *C*
appreicated? sigh, i don't wanna talk much already.
Respect others before people respect you!
월요일, 12월 07, 2009 @ 11:44 오후

its been looooonnnng time since i updated.
sorry anyone. was dead tired when i return home from work everyday ! TT
alright, should i say i'm lazy ? hahaha. okay, i am.
recently theres nothing much.
ohya. i wanna thanks those who gave me wishes and present on my b'day that day and of course very late belated b'day wishes and present also counted as well.
LOVE ALL OF YA! :DD thank you very much. &&&& you know who you are, right? ^^*
i wanna fly back to korea!!! lets save hard.
p/s: huykjae is damn hot nowadays! lol.