Winter !

Winter is coming near !!!!
I've a plan ! :DD
I wanna go somewhere that i can see snow.
Honestly, this 20 years in my life I've NEVER EVER see snow before..
I wanna see !!!! I'm kinda excited. ^^*
I can wear winter wear.. the free smoke on my mouth is kinda " shiok " ! LOL.
Although i don't smoke but the free smoke when you talk its kinda fun !
hahahaha ~ ^^
토요일, 10월 30, 2010 @ 12:04 오후
Contented ! :DDDD

Really hope to see them again ! ^^
Kpop concert is totally worth it last night !
This is the first that Big Bang came Singapore.. And, its been my wanted list too !
Really hope to see them again ~ Big Bang is ♥
일요일, 10월 24, 2010 @ 5:55 오후

Had a awesome showcase with JYJ ♥
Although my seat is kinda far away from the stage but i'm really happy to see them.
( ´θ`)ノ
Hate me? Ha, Thank you!
I don't need such person in my life either!
일요일, 10월 17, 2010 @ 1:40 오전

This lady inside this page.. I like her style !ヾ(*>ω<`*)ノ Ain't she is kinda fashionable? And, her style is kinda cool..ー✦✦✦ I like the deamin blouse most and black dress with deamin jacket also very niceー(o*>ω<*)o

I LIKEー♥♥♥

How i wish i got soooooooooooooooooooooooo many clothes like them ! 『笑』
I like the long skirt ー(*'∀`)
Ya, actually I've been looking at fashion street clothing ー(*∪ω∪+)
And today there's a fashion show at my working area.. I really liked one of the group clothing they've chosen and match but somehow that team their popularity lose.. so, they only can get second price ! Σ(,゚Д゚,)
The team that got first... Somehow i don't really agree on clothes that they match.(*´ω`*) hmmm... SADー(´pωq`)
Well, anyway they really did their best but just by that little popularity they loosen・・・(´・ω・`;)
Never mind~ Well done, Guys! *thumb up*
I feel like learning fashion design――ヽ(・ω・*ヽ)――
So, I can save up the money every month on buying expensive clothes and the money i had save up i can open a shop... 『笑』
Wooohooo, I can design my very own limit design.. Ain't that sounds cool?(^ω^)
My dream....
Its Donghae's birthday♥
Happy Birthday Lee Donghae♥♥♥♥♥
토요일, 10월 16, 2010 @ 12:28 오전
LABBIT ~ (〃^∇^)
Let me intro her to you all.
Her call Labbit. Ain't she very cute?
(∩) (∩)
(o☻ܫ☻o) ☆I LOVE YOU

Irritated max ! (☆`Д´)
Wanted to change my blogskin but don't know what's up with the code..
ahhh~ annoying! End up, I gave up~~~
And there is also another thing makes me kinda annoying too.
It's about my job..
Thinking about it, Its time for me to quit...
Start to plan when should i quit... How should I tell my boss...
Hmmmm... anyone suggestion ?
Anyway, I'm back to blogging.
I'll update when i am free just like today !(〃^∇^)
But i wish to private my blog.... When time is up, i'll private it.
But you can always follow up with me at twitter...
토요일, 10월 09, 2010 @ 4:59 오후
Happy birthday, daddy !

Happy birthday, Daddy! ♥
Without you, there ain't Limei in this world. You and Mama who make this home happiness. Please stay healthy and happy always.. I can only happy when I see you happy. I gonna stick like super glue with you and mama.

From the start I don't believe there's such thing called "forever".
Nothing will remain forever... Really.
I became started to dislike my job now.
From my boss wasn't around, thing started to change.
How I wish my boss could come back and remain the same like last time. Although there are still things that I still don't like it. At least that were so much better than now.
I don't know am I the one who are over sensitive or what, but am actually started dislike people who work the same company with me.
I'll not say who, I'll not say the name and DON'T ask me, Please.
Seriously first impression are really really really important.. Got to believe this. When your first impression are bad, Congratulation!
TWO words to you :
No sense of cleanness
Fashion sense bad
Anyhow put things without permission
Steals other people things
IF, above this category you're one of them.
Mind me, showing you
my middle finger on your fcuking face !
Of cause to others i also have bad points, I know.
But hey, look at yourself before pointing at me !
I know everyone just wanna have simple and happy job ain't it ?
Why don't start being a nice, caring, mature and understanding person from now on?
Wouldn't the would will become more simple and more peaceful ?
And, I am a girl who just wanted to have a job that i can really enjoyed and I can be proud about..
월요일, 10월 04, 2010 @ 11:11 오후
beautiful life.

Life can be so colorful, Seriously.
We can enjoyed our life with anything but why there's always something will crop up and disturb with some negative things? etc like your dreams, your job, your relationship, your family etc etc etc.
Anyway, i did enjoy my life now. I've my two beloved parents with my two crazy siblings, I've my friends, I've my own freedom i could do anything i like..
But some negative people always disturb.
Ain't this super silly things to do ? Isit it's nice to disturb people life like that ?
Like some people said, when you don't step on people's tail they will come and step on your tail ! What? very fun, uh?
What's so good when you got something from others using such sluty matter?
Anyway, when i really dislike some person i don't even give a damn to them. You've your own life, i have mine. So, Don't ever come and mess around w/ me.
When i dislike you thats mean i dislike you. That's no way i got 1% of interest on you! So, get out of my life.
I can be kind enough to talk or do something to you nicely but watch your every moment you've done. But better way just don't step into my life.
Thank you!